Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

Bench 101

Everybody wants the big bench but, there is a few overlooked tips that can help you increase it to its ultimate level. First off, you need to experiment with different grips and find one that works for you. Finding the right grip can be a bit tricky for the novice lifter. The rule of the thumb is your forearm must be 90 degrees with your elbow and wrist. For most people, the grip is a little wider then shoulder width. Once you have found the right grip, you need to work on strengthening your assistant muscles, such as the triceps, anterior deltoid, and the whole backside of your upper torso. The lats, traps and lower back lay a huge foundation that stores all your power and allows you to push the bar up from your chest an extra inch, giving you must more leverage. Following these tips along with the routines that will soon be provided in the Lift Big Blog will help anyone achieve their dream number, even if its 185lbs, 315lbs or 565lbs!

"If you keep doing what you are doing, you'll keep going were you have been going"

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Weekly Fitness Tip

Garlic helps reduce heart disease. Garlic has sulfur compounds which prevent artery clogging blood clots.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Book Review: The New Encyclopedia of Modern BodyBuilding

This is a must have book for anybody new to the weightlifting scene. The Encyclopedia is Written by Arnold Schwarzenegger and gathers his vast knowledge on the subject of Bodybuilding. The Encyclopedia is broken up into five books(sections); Introduction to Bodybuilding, Training Programs, Body Part Exercises and, Competition, Health,Nutrition, and Diet.

Grand Opening

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Lift Big is for everyone from the novice to the hardcore extreme all the way to the average Joe looking to put on some mass to impress the hottie next door.

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